“When widows are denied the right to access, own, control or inherit property and the land they live on, it is a violation of their rights. When these women and their children are evicted from their homes because their husbands have died, it is a violation of their rights. When a lack of savings means a lack of health care for themselves and education for their children and grandchildren, it is a violation of their rights. And enduring traditional practices directed at widows, which are inhumane and degrading, is a serious violation of their human rights" (UNFPA, 2011).
The quote above summarises the challenges that widows and their children face after the death of their husbands particularly in developing countries and why we need to empower them.
The plight of widows is a hidden issue in many developing countries. Millions of widows and their children have become the poorest of the poor, often invisible, forgotten and unheard. The challenges faced by widows have largely been invisible to policymakers and the public in general. Their children also have to endure poverty, loss of schooling, child labour, and other forms of deprivation.
We have a new website! Now we can explain even better why it is so important that attention is paid to the Widows and Orphans. When widows are …
The Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Kingdom of The Netherlands Her Excellency Irene F. Mkwawa Kasyanju has commended the …
The Widows and Orphans Development Foundation (WODF) is set to commemorate the International Widows Day on 23rd June 2022 in The Hague in an event …
Under this program, WODF supports widows and destitute women in Africa, mainly in Tanzania by building economic sustainability and resilience …
WODF sensitizes widows and rural communities on the human rights of widows so as to prevent violation of such rights and take action whenever they …
The physical and health conditions of some widows such as widows with disabilities limit their ability to engage in income-generating activities. …
Some of the widowed mothers and grandmothers who take care of the orphaned children including children with disabilities need direct support for …
Widows taking care of vulnerable orphaned grandchildren There are many widows who are caregivers of orphaned and vulnerable grandchildren …
"A common consequence of widowhood in traditional societies is the withdrawal of children from school. Girls are likely to be the first affected; …
According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, there are 858,443 widowed persons in the Netherlands out of the total population of 17,282,163 as of…
The Widows and Orphans Development Foundation (WODF) was established in The Netherlands whereby it was officially incorporated and registered in …
The Widows and Orphans Development Foundation (WODF) was established in order to complement efforts being undertaken by various actors to address …