Widows and Orphans Development Foundation


Enhancing the capabilities of young and middle-aged widows (economic and social empowerment

Under this program, WODF supports widows and destitute women in Africa, mainly in Tanzania by building economic sustainability and resilience amongst them so that they can support themselves and their children in a sustainable way. It does so by:

Human rights awareness and advocating against harmful traditional practices

WODF sensitizes widows and rural communities on the human rights of widows so as to prevent violation of such rights and take action whenever they are violated.

It advocates against traditional cultural practices that perpetuate injustice against widows such Read more

Support for widows with special needs

The physical and health conditions of some widows such as widows with disabilities limit their ability to engage in income-generating activities. WODF provides direct support such as food and other life necessities, enabling them to pursue income generating activities Read more